I have now changed my little ’jewelry box’ sized stand to one that is nearly double in size – Y47 (same Hall). It is an exciting move for me as I never dreamt I would fill an exhibition space this size and physically couldn’t have with the limited number of designs. My how times have changed. My ranges have expanded and grown, new ranges have emerged and flourished and now I am with the ‘big boys, with the big stands.
I am so excited about this show. One I have never done before and one I have only heard great things about. A contemporary and trendy show in the heart of London, in the immense exhibition hall that is Olympia. A perfect time and place to launch my new extended Scrabbley Neon range and Spring with Valentines, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.
I am travelling down with my lovely Hubbie Jonny on Saturday to set up and will be there for the next 3 days. I will miss my children so much but know that I must have my own adventures to enable me to grow as a Mum, Wife and friend.
So see you all there, STAND Y47, you can’t miss me. I will be the one with a beaming smile on my face, swinging my arms around, doing a few cartwheel just because I can.
Lots of love
Bex x