PGLive Update

One more day to go until my husband Jonny and I, venturing down to the ‘Big Smoke’ to launch as an official Greeting Card Publisher and Designer at PGLIVE London.
I have mocked my stand up in our lounge (that was interesting ;-))and everything is looking good!
I have a couple of little Bexy Boo touches which I think are amazing and are down to a few very special people!
A big thank you to Lynette from Designer Flowers by Rogers for the most amazing bright pink floral display. The beautiful lilys, roses and geraniums will brighten up my stand and make it come alive!
I have my amazing son Joby to thank for the most ingenious business card holder made out of lego friends and I must thank Amelie, my gorgeous daughter for letting me borrow it.
Thank you to my Mum and Jo too, for making hundreds of packets of sweeties to give out to all retailers and potential customers. I am hoping it will be used as a promotional tool to remember Bexy boo and give them that well earned sugar rush.
So my journey begins. We are now packed up and ready to go. Wish me luck.
Bex x