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Letters from Lockdown

Since lockdown, it has forced us all to change dramatically over such a short space of time. Our beloved routines have stopped and changed and it has made us take a step back and review our future paths. Things we were  scared of before, we have had to conquer and the things we cherished, we cherish even more.

Technology has given us the opportunity to use Zoom, FaceTime and House party so we can still keep in touch and see our friends and family. However there has been a surge in sending a card and receiving it through the post and it has meant that royal mail have been as busy as if it were Christmas. The feeling of that envelope landing on your doorstep raises your spirits, creates a smiles and fills your heart with happiness. So let’s keep sending. xx


Here is the article from ITV which also explains how important it is to keep in touch by sending cards and delivering a smile.;

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