Knutsford’s very own best-selling greeting card designers collaborate

Knutsford’s very own best-selling greeting card designers have come together, sealing the cutest pooches in an envelope so you can send a smile to your favourite people.
Bexy Boo Ltd, Bexy Hassett, and The Children’s Illustrator, Nicholas Child, are launching a collaboration which will feature a refreshed version of Nicholas’s previously esteemed range, Mugshots, which was formerly launched in 2016 under The Grumble & Co.
Nicholas initially drew up these delightful doggy designs back in 2015. He found his inspiration from his own group of pugs which he shared with his now husband, Ross: Minnie, Tilly and Ruby. A collective noun of pugs is called a Grumble! They also had a beautiful Miniature Schnauzer called Lottie who neatly make up the Co! Sadly they have all now passed over the Rainbow Bridge, so this collection means a great deal to the boys.
Upon finding that there was an up-and-coming greeting card designer local to Knutsford, he contacted Bexy for some advice into getting into the industry. The two creatives organised to meet up so that Bexy could explain how the world of cards works. And of course, she fell for the adorable furry faces and knew immediately that they were strong illustrations. Bexy encouraged Nicholas to exhibit at the biggest greeting card exhibition in the UK, PG Live.
In 2016, Nicholas and his partner (and now-husband!), Ross, launched the Grumble & Co. They had his heartwarming drawings printed onto cards and paired with an envelope, and comically named the range ‘Mugshots’. They were ready to be exhibited on Grumble & Co’s very own stand at PG Live that year. Within minutes of the Mugshots being on display, Paperchase were the first to get their paws on them. Everyone at the fair were charmed by Ross and Nicholas and their printed puppies and the Mugshots became a quick success.
Since then, Nicholas has progressed into illustrating children’s books, with his lovable characters being perfect for story-telling. Since this new venture, he has found further success as ‘The Children’s Illustrator’. His endearing drawing style captured the attention of the Crown Princess of Greece, Marie-Chantal. The irresistible warmth and cuteness of Nicholas’s designs stole her Royal Highness’s heart and she commissioned him to illustrate the second edition of her children’s book ‘Manners Begin at Breakfast’. This fantastic opportunity has led to [global recognition for Nicholas, with the book being published worldwide.]
In Autumn of this year, Bexy and Nicholas met for their usual coffee in Costa and Bexy came up with the fabulous idea of getting the Mugshots back in the shops, with Bexy Boo Ltd licensing the designs. Nicholas was delighted and got to work with refreshing the original doggy designs and together, they came up with cute captions to match and a gorgeous colour palette.
And now, Bexy Boo Ltd and The Children’s Illustrator are thrilled to announce that the Mugshots are cuter than ever and ready to get back on the shelves. They will be relaunching the range together in January 2024 and will be exhibiting at the Spring Fair in February. We are sure that these pretty pooches will be successful once again, winning over everyone’s hearts. It’s looking like an exciting year ahead for Bexy and Nicholas as they give us the opportunity to pass on the joy that the Mugshots emulate to loved ones alike.