General News

7th December 2015

Bexy Boo takes her Baby Boos to Downing Street

Hello Downing Street! It has been a crazy couple of weeks with what started with an email. With the address of dot parliament, I was in shock as it was a personal invite from the Chancellor George Osborne to join...

12th October 2015

Another twinkling trophy to add to the Bexy Boo mantelpiece

Feathers, beads and 1920’s glamour summed up my evening at the Henries in the glittering surroundings of the Lancaster Hotel last Thursday 8th October. And to add to the excitement of this glitzy evening, I actually WON. I won a...

5th October 2015

A glittering award winning night for Bexy Boo

Well I did it! I won my 1st award ever, Best Start Up Business 2015 and 3 days later it still doesn’t seem real. It feels like I am floating on a fluffy cloud of wonderfulness, beaming from head to...

30th September 2015

Bex is bubbling – Greetings Today magazine

I celebrated in style when I discovered that I had been featured in the September edition of the marvellous Greetings Today magazine. It was a wonderful article regarding my business excellence nomination for Best Business Start up 2015 as well...

30th September 2015

Hooray HENRIES! – Finalist in 2 categories for Bexy Boo.

On the 3rd August 2015 whilst on holiday with my wonderful family, I literally was jumping up and down with joy, hipping and hooraying on the side of the most beautiful mountain in France. Not only had I discovered that...

29th September 2015

YIPPEE I am a FINALIST – Cheshire Business Awards

Whilst choosing the remotest of family summer holidays on the top of the most beautiful mountain in the Midi Pyrenees, I discovered I had made the final of the Best Start-up Business 2015, in the Cheshire Business Awards. With very...

27th July 2015

Happy times at Harrogate Home and Gift 2015

The cold and rain certainly didn’t dampen our spirits last week when we had the best exhibition on record, at Harrogate Home and Gift 2015. The orders came flooding in from the South of England to the Northern tips of...

15th July 2015

Bexy boo cards has had a REVAMP

Due to the board we used across our entire range of greeting Cards being discontinued, it has forced me to give all our current ranges an uplift with fantastic results. All the board now has a wonderful texture to it...

10th July 2015

It’s nearly Pimms time at Harrogate.

I will officially be celebrating the 2nd Launch of my new Scrabbley Neons range with a couple of cheeky tipples.  I promise you this time, it will be worth waiting for. This will be my 2nd year exhibiting at Harrogate,...

19th June 2015

The Henries 2015

Well I have done it. I have officially entered THE HENRIES 2015 which are the Oscars of the Greeting card industry.I have sent ranges covering a few of the categories so I will now have to wait until 1st August...

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The Studio, Brook Cottage,
Chapel Lane,
WA16 6PP

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