Bexy Boo’s trip to the big smoke

and it was smokin….
I am finally home after a whirl wind few days and it’s wonderful to be back.
It is only just starting to finally sink in as to what I have achieved over those 2 days and what the future is beginning to look like for Bexy Boo. The future is looking bright.
I couldn’t have chosen a better launch pad than PG Live London. It is the only Exhibition which specifically specialises in greeting cards. It has a ‘Spring board’ section which allows small, new publishers like myself, to stand out and have a chance against all the big boys, and big companies.
Also the major perks were free tea and coffee all day, which was brought round on a trolley, and a free 2 course lunch. It was delicious. Not to mention the after show party with free drinks and canopies. What more could a girl ask for?
I also met some some wonderful people and made some wonderful friends including Coulsen Macleod, Dialectable, Judy Lumley Prints and Card Inky. All of whom I hope to meet again.
I now have a busy time ahead, making the most of all the opportunities offered to me and I will make the most of every single one of them.
Thank you for all your words of support, they mean the world.
Bex x