Bexy Boo’s sizzling success at the Harrogate Home and Gift Festival

No one was expecting the sizzling hot temperatures experienced at the Harrogate Home and Gift Festival this year, but we came prepared. Thankfully Sarah saved the day by bringing her much loved fan, purchased many years ago from a holiday in Majorca. And didn’t we swish it! The breeze certainly helped cool us down along with the ice lollies, iced frappachinos and the largest gin and tonic consumed at the end of a very warm day. Yum.
There seemed to be a fantastic buzz over the first couple of days. We had already ran out of brochures and the interest was phenomenal. We took ooodles of orders, met lots of lovely new customers and it was lovely to see our very valued current customers too. Also we may have been fortunate enough to have found a distributor for Australia which would be amazing. So watch this space.
Next year we have asked the organisers for an infinity pool and cocktails so we will just have to see whether our wish comes true. Otherwise Sarah’s trusty fan will be coming with us once again.