Bexy Boo takes the next BIG step and become LIMITED

After a little trepidation BEXY BOO DESIGNS is no longer and BEXY BOO LTD is born!!!
I find it hard to comprehend that I actually own a Limited company, but I have the certificate pride of place on the studio wall. Hung up in a neon pink frame, you simply can’t miss it!
It weirdly seemed like a big step for me, although the most obvious one to take. It felt like it was time to officially make Bexy Boo a proper business, one that I have grown from a small seed into something I am so proud of right now. We are always having to change, adapt to new and different situations, but with time comes experience, and those changes no longer seem so scary.
I have the best team behind me, one that is dedicated to Bexy Boo and has been from the beginning. With the roots firmly in place and a fantastic name that now says Limited, 2016 is the year that we will establish ourselves as a brand that will be here for a long time to come. This little seed I have planted, nurtured and love is now flourishing and preparing itself to grow into a beautiful flower.
So just wait, the best is still yet to come!