A glittering award winning night for Bexy Boo

Well I did it! I won my 1st award ever, Best Start Up Business 2015 and 3 days later it still doesn’t seem real. It feels like I am floating on a fluffy cloud of wonderfulness, beaming from head to toe.
The day started with a ‘Boo Crew’ shopping trip to the beautiful city of Chester. The sun was shining down and everything appeared extra bright and sparkly.
We had lunch at the fabulous Botanist and made our way back to our very contemporary and trendy apartment right in the heart of town to get ready for the dazzling night that lay ahead.
We arrived at Chester Cathedral with a red carpet welcome and fire burners that would have given lulu a run for her money. The building was beautiful and so immense that it all added to the overwhelming feeling that I was experiencing. The nerves were definitely mounting.
We had a drinks reception in the courtyard and 3 berry proseccos later, it was time to make our way to our table. We were the furthest away from the stage at the very back. The compere for the evening, the lovely Lucy Meacock from Granada reports had already reassured us that just because we were at the back, didn’t mean we hadn’t won. I was thinking exactly that and started to relax a little.
After 5 presentations, it was our turn. Bexy Boo was announced as a finalist along with JG creative and the Contemporary, an art gallery that also did graffiti workshops. The competition was fierce, the strongest for many years with the highest ever level of entries.
After all our introductory videos that had been recorded over the summer the winner was announced….BEXY BOO.
Verity, Danielle, Sarah and I all screamed so loudly with joy, we nearly raised the lit up roof of the Cathedral. We teetered up the never ending aisle in our 6 inch heels and made it up to the stage with dignity and relief. After we had our photo taken we had a group hug which will stay with me forever. That hug represented the strength and determination we all have as a team, it showed the courage that we have all displayed through the difficult times and that hug showed that we are all there for each other and always will.
The night continued with lots of laughter, drinking and an overwhelming emotion of happiness. I am so proud of myself and all I have achieved and that amazing feeling will stay with me forever.
Thank you also to Greetings Today magazine for featuring me in their fabulous glossy Greeting card magazine.
Thank you to the Chester Chronicle.
The Judges’ comments: ‘The judges felt this business had exceptionally quick growth in a tough market’
Bex x