2 shiny, sparkly Silver tickets at PG Live 2016

On my first day exhibiting at PG Live I was jumping for joy when I was given a wonderful shiny silver ticket from the loveliest of ladies from 1st Stop Stationers in London. On the final day, I was given my 2nd very shiny wonderful silver ticket from 2 very gorgeous ladies from the Tutbury Present Company. The tickets are token amounts to be spent with publishers exhibiting at PG by award winning Card and gift companies throughout the country. Therefore, the chosen publishers cards will be sold in those prestigious retail outlets. My greeting cards will be sold in 2! WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP and a radiant smile which made my cheeks hurt, was the order of the 2 days. Sharing it with my fabulous friends, Rosie (Rosie made a thing, pictured with me doing a jig, with her Gold from Scribbler) Lorraine and Ian (Rush Design), Jeanett (Pippi and me) and Nicholas and Ross (The Grumble and Co) helped to make this my best, favourite and most enjoyable show in the history of my 2 years of exhibiting. Bring on PG 2017, excited already. xx